Genealogy Links

Printable Images of Death Certificates  1897- 1920
Also many other historical documents, photographs, maps and records.  This site is run by the State of
The following link is a great resource for Huron county Obituaries, Marriages and Births  Ms. Haist compiled the information from Pigeon newspapers.  These are not official records but helpful none the less.
The Joann Haist Collection
                Births           Marriages           Obituaries        Cemeteries

This collection of notebooks was donated to the Pigeon District Library by Mrs. Dryden (Joann) Haist, formerly of Pigeon. Mrs. Haist compiled the information over several years, using Pigeon newspapers from 1897 to 1980.

The following link takes you to the Saginaw Public Libraries Obituary index.  This has been a treasure of information in my research.